Wednesday, March 18, 2009


All I can say is that everyone needs to take a deep breath and just calm down.  I mean seriously, when did everyone get so serious and uptight.  Any offense to Tom was completely unintentional.  Dan showed the post to me and I approved it, before it was posted, so if there are going to be any hard feelings held, they should be pointed in my direction.  No harm was intended... It was really done all in joking...I mean it was over 10 years ago...  I feel bad that Tom is so upset but I'm sorry, Tom, you might be over reacting just a bit.  We have all made our share of mistakes and done stupid/silly things but if we can't look at our pasts and say, "Hey, I sure had my stupid moments" and have a chuckle or two at our own expense then we're living life  being a little too uptight.  No offense again, Tom, but no one thinks less of you.  You were far from being a family joke while you were on your mission.  

I've removed the "offensive" post and Tom's response to it...maybe not everyone read them and that's a good thing. 

Again, everyone, take a few deep breaths....

(Now I'm going to go home to my family, that I abandoned so that I could drive to the school to get Internet connection and try to make the world right again...Sorry, Dan to take off like that on you...not that I really expect you or probably anyone else to check out this blog anymore, oh well, it was fun while it lasted)


  1. Thanks Laurie. For what it's worth, I'll still be reading this blog, and posting on it from time to time. I just haven't been able to find the time to do it, and there hasn't been much good stuff happening that I wanted to post about anyway. Now that baseball has started for Doug we should have some stuff to write about.

  2. I think it's under the rug now. And Jeff and I are still regulars don't worry! How else can we brag about Sophie and check on the rest of the family?
