Monday, March 9, 2009

Interesting HBO Show...

Most of you have probably heard of the HBO show 'Big Love' about a family of polygamists, but an upcoming episode it especially interesting. I looked at this months TV guide and they have a picture of a women dressed in full temple attire. I couldn't believe it. Then I read the article and they will be showing the endowment room and the celestial room and as they put it, showing the ceremonies performed there. Well I was really stunned and it made me feel horrible. I ended up talking it over with my mom and she said that Heavenly Father could stop it if He wanted to. So that made me feel a little better. Below is a copy of the story straight out of the TV Guide. Enjoy.

Big Love Sunday, 9/8c, HBO
It’s one thing for Bill and Barb Henrickson’s inner circle to know they have two other wives at home…but letting the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in on the secret? That’s a whole other story. “It’s almost a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy,” says executive producer Mark Olsen. Their under-the-radar status will change this week when Barb (Jeanne Tripplehorn) faces the consequences of breaking the rules and is called to an excommunication hearing. “We researched it out the wazoo,” says Olsen, who along with executive producer Will Scheffer hired an ex-Mormon consultant to help the set and wardrobe designers re-create even the tiniest details. “We go into the endowment room and the celestial room [areas of the temple], and we present what happens in those ceremonies. That’s never been shown on television before,” says Olsen. Adds Scheffer, “But it’s not for shock value. It’s really a very important part of the story.” The decision won’t be without controversy: According to a church insider, “If they are in fact trying to emulate those rooms in any way, that would be extremely offensive. The general public is not allowed in our temples yet. Not even all Mormons are. We consider them very, very sacred.” Heaven help us. —Rochell D. Thomas


  1. Offensive and horrible yes, but not even worth a second thought. Satan got Eve to eat the fruit too, but it all worked out in the end.

  2. I'll go along with's not anything to get worked up over. The "anti's" love stuff like this, but the general populace probably doesn't give a rip one way or the other. On the other hand I don't think I'd want to be one of these guys when this life is done...probably won't be a really pleasant experience.

  3. Dan's buddies watch the show and it has actually opened them up for asking more questions and finding out "real" information about the church...who knows what draws people to the church, anything can be a missionary tool.
