Not really super interesting stuff...but I refuse to let this blog die out. Calvin gave the scripture in primary today and really did a pretty great job. He only needed a couple of cues "Ephesians", "verse" and "children". The scripture was Ephesians, Chapter 6 Verse 1 "Children, Obey your parents, in the Lord, for this is right." He was really excited about it and practice hard all week. Dan and I (and really Emme too) were very proud of him.
Leona has a couple of new tricks. She has been working on crawling, but mostly does the "army crawl" or really pull, and can now also pull herself up to standing. She is also "growing" her first and I'm pretty sure second teeth.
Dan has a big job interview on Friday that, if goes well, could mean great summer employment, as well as work during next school year. It is at a small firm in Albany, which would mean a commute, but a well worth it, commute.
It's been snowing here in Eugene on and off today, which is a bit odd for March, but it's been a pretty strange winter, so I'm not too surprised.
So, that's about it. Here is Leona standing & moving along...