Saturday, July 25, 2009

lots of pics

Here are a bunch of pictures from the last few weeks. We went camping with Dan's family to celebrate his mom's 60th birthday. We had a fun time at the party, the kids all got to dress like cowboys and run around like crazy. It was kind of cold and rainy (gotta love camping on the coast) but we had a great time anyway.

Yvonne got Leona a cake since it was almost her birthday...this is about as much as she got into it.
Here's Leona the day before her birthday, opening presents from Mom & Stephanie
and here she is on her real birthday...that's right 3 days in a row of birthday celebration for the little one, speaking little one, she's 29inches long (50th percentile) and weighs a whopping 17lbs 10 ounces (5th percentile...yikes, need to get some fat on this girl!)

still not really a fan of the birthday cake eating part...maybe it's the whole store bought cake thing, tastes too much like plastic
my little gamers....
aren't they cute, almost makes me want to have more...maybe....
Calvin, practicing his dead man's float...
Emme, always the poser

Speaking of having another one, I guess March will have to do...surprise! (to everyone...especially me!) so much for that spring marathon (yeah, that blob really is a baby)

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