Sunday, March 11, 2012

Time to Revive

I think it's time to try to revive this poor blog. I know everyone gets busy, or doesn't feel there's anything of value to write about, but it IS fun to look at stuff anyway. If someone would teach me how to post pics I'd put cool things on here to look at (cool from my standpoint anyway).

There's not much going on in Klamath...winter came back today (snow, 20+ mph winds), grey skies, miserable weather. I'm in the last week and a half of my wonderful diet. I'll be able to eat more than lettuce and petrified bread sticks beginning March 21st. It hasn't been much fun, but as of today I've lost 28 1/2 pounds. Not bad, considering the fact that I started the thing on February 1st.

Stephanie will be headed to the NCAA championships this Tuesday...I'm not sure where you have to go, but I know that the meet is on the internet. Good luck, Stephanie!!!!

That's it for now...I'll try to write more.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you're quite the busy blogger today. :) To post pics, you just click on the little icon of a picture and then upload them from your computer. I can give you a tutorial over the phone sometime if you'd like. I'll try to post something on her soon too.
