Thursday, October 8, 2009

Two Jobs is Better than One...right?

So things are moving along quite well over here in Utar. Janna is coming along great with all the wedding plans and its beginning to look like this thing might actually happen. For anyone who didn't know we are actually buying a home; its on the border of American Fork and Highland and actually right up the street from John Succo's....they don't know yet and it may stay that way for a while. Its a pretty nice place, basically a duplex and we're renting out the top floor to Janna's brother Matt while we live downstairs...I'll post some pics once we actually get it. Its been a really long and drawn out process and its taken far longer than we thought it would to get it but it actually looks like we're finally going to close and sign papers tomorrow.
After moving back from Arizona this summer I was jobless for a while so after about a month of enjoying doing nothing and then a month of hard job searching I managed to get two part time jobs. I'm working as a jeweler at Macy's Department store 16 hours a week and as a youth mentor at Telos, a treatment facility for troubled teens. So all in all I've got a pretty busy schedule but everything seems to be working out ok so least I haven't flunked out of school yet.
Phyllis is doing well also in case anyone actually cares. She had a time period there when she was crazy and would attack anything and everything but seems to be mellowing out now. I think she's going to be really big too. Oh so when can you get a cat fixed and declawed? I'm thinking we need to get on that soon so let me know.
Apart from that all not much is going on...hope everyone can make it out for the wedding!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the house and wedding plans. So, will you be in John's ward? Maybe you and Christian can become buddies!

    As for your cat, I think it's any time after 4 months and best before 6 months but you might want to do your own research. The first hit I got on google said 3-5 months but I didn't actually click on anything. Good luck with that too!
