Friday, April 2, 2010

Apologies to All are in Order

I think I owe everyone who participates in and reads our blog an apology. It's been a long time since I posted anything, and quite some time since I responded to anyone's posts. I especially owe an apology to Janna and Tom, who not only posted on here without any responses from anyone, but set up their own blog and didn't get any responses there either. My excuse is that I normally work on this at work, and I haven't had any time. Pretty lame excuse, but there it is.

There are a lot of things to write about...Steph's meet in February, Doug's games, my running, work, and other assorted stuff...I just haven't taken the time to do it. What it comes down to is laziness. I'll try to do better.


  1. That's alright Dick. We've gotten some love on our new blog. I am not so great at keeping that thing updated either, but we've got some new stuff on there as of today! I'm still struggling to figure out how all this stuff really works...
