Friday, May 8, 2009

Runner's Lounge & Stuff

So, there is this running website that I enjoy going to a lot and they interviewed me for one of their weekly pieces "Open Mic Friday". If you'd like to check it out you can click HERE.  I'm not really sure why they wanted to interview me and after reading it online, I'm wishing I had answered some of the questions differently, but I'll promote it anyway...

For my stuff portion of this blog:

Dan took his last final on Wednesday and is now officially done with his second year of law school.  Now only one year left....yippee!  He will start working at the DA's office on the 18th of this month.

Emme has her last soccer match on Saturday.  When she is focused on the game she does a great job.  The problem is, she just loves to skip and have fun to much, so she doesn't always have the die-hard attitude that gets her to score goals and fight for the ball.  She did score a hat trick in a previous match though, and is usually good for a goal or two over the course of the day (usually 3 matches in total).   I think she'll be sad that it's over, but we've started swimming lessons, so that will give her something to look forward to.

Calvin also finished up soccer this week.  I don't think he'll miss it too much.  For his last practice, he and a few other boys in his group spent most of the time kicking (and sometimes throwing) the soccer balls at each other.  They, at one point, found a worm and one of the 12 year old girl coaches tried to take it away from the group but it ended up with Calvin smashing it with his soccer cleat.  Anyway, he seems to be more focused with swimming, although he did have to have a time out at his last lesson for splashing the teacher....

Leona is getting braver and will walk around holding on to everything.  She loves to get kitchen chairs and use them as walkers...unfortunately though, she also likes to pull them over on herself, which doesn't usually end very happily.  She can also stand up alone for a few seconds before sitting down, so it's really only a matter of time before she starts walking.

In case anyone wondered and hasn't been in touch with Mom, Dad or Stephanie, Stephanie's operation went well yesterday and Mom & Dad are in Idaho taking care of her.  I talked to Stephanie yesterday and it sounds like she is in a fair amount of pain, but I believe she is supposed to heal quickly.  She has finals next week and Mom & Dad are leaving on Saturday, so hopefully she will feel better sooner than later.  Anyway, just thought you all might like to keep her in her prayers.

Well, I think that's about it.  If you checked out Runner's Lounge, don't make too much fun of me...


  1. Laurie that's pretty sweet that you got interviewed for that open mic thing! ...and I thought your answers were pretty good.

  2. Thanks. I was really pretty surprised that they wanted to interview me. I joined their site several months ago, but really haven't been very active. I sure didn't see it coming...

  3. Laurie...your interview was excellent...but what else could we expect from you?

  4. The tall bushes thing was a joke right? Oh no...Eugene really has you in "her" grasp. LOL
